好想问问你 遇见我会让你后悔吗
Want to ask you meet me let you regret
照片 唯一锁住时间的公式
Photographs are the only formula that locks in time
一起成为更好的人 才是最酷的事情
Being better people together is the coolest thing ever
从爱上自己的那天起 人生才真正开始
Life really begins when you fall in love with yourself
好好生活 最好的你 永远无人能敌
Live your life the best you can ever be
我总在解释 我忘了厚爱无需多言
I'm always explaining that I forgot my love
有人捏着你的错贬低你 有人知晓你的一切继续爱你
There are those who belittle you for your faults and those who know everything about you and continue to love you
你问我许的什么愿 我说愿你快乐常伴
You asked me what I wished for and I said I wish you happiness
我开始恐惧短暂幸福过后 需要数倍偿还的痛苦
I began to fear the pain of temporary happiness that would be repaid many times over
会忘记的 忘记去见你时路上的期待和离开的不舍
Will forget forget to see you on the way to look forward to and leave